EV100 members driving towards a greener future
By AJ Irving, May 2024

Hey everyone, I’m sure you’ve heard about the big push to switch to electric vehicles (EVs), something that’s not just about cool tech, but about saving our planet.

According to the EV100 global initiative being promoted by the international non-profit known as the Climate Group to decarbonize fleets by 2030, cars are a huge part of the problem when it comes to air pollution. So, it looks like it's time to say goodbye to those old gas guzzlers for us here in the Americas.

“We’ve got to cut global emissions in half to keep the planet’s temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius,” says Climate Group Director of Transport Sandra Roling. (pictured above)

EV100 is all about getting more electric cars on the road, and they're making serious progress. From just 10 members at the start (2017), they've grown to over 120 members all around the world. That's more than 5.5 million EVs cruising the streets!

But, it's not all smooth sailing. One big challenge is getting enough EV options, especially for trucks and vans. These are crucial for lots of jobs, but they need to go electric too. The good news? New models are on the way, promising more choices for everyone.

For success, businesses, governments, and car makers need to work together. They need to develop policies that make it easier to go electric like incentives to buy EVs and better planning for charging stations, says the Climate Group.

The non-profit has made great progress, but there's still work to do. It won't be easy, but together, we can make it happen, say EV100 members.

Among the EV100 members are: Allianz SE, Barclays, Baidu, BT, Danfoss, Deutsche Post DHL, EDF, Fleet Alliance, Heathrow Airport, Ikea, InterEnergy, LeasePlan, LG Energy Solution, Localiza, Openreach, Spectris Plc, Unilever, Vattenfall, WayCool, Zomato, and many more.