The Fleet and Mobility Managers Club (FMMC) is a network of industry experts from the Americas, mainly the United States, Mexico, Brazil, and a few other countries. Currently, FMMC is made up of more than 50 top-notch and passionate experts who are focused on addressing the challenges of the vehicle fleet and facilities management, and sharing best practices throughout the region. FMMC activities also entail online and face-to-face events.
Industries represented
Food & Drink - Pharmaceuticals - Hospitals & Health Care Business Consulting - Metals & Minerals - Staffing & Recruiting Renewable Energy - Agricultural - Chemical Products Automation Machinery Manufacturing
FMMC member Job Titles
Directors, Managers, Analyst, and Coordinators responsible for Fleet, Facilities, Procurement, Logistics, Mobility, Road Safety, Sustainability, and EHS
To join FMMC or for event collaboration, contact Amy Iverson